Consistent Schedule: The Secret to Better Sleep
Jul 13
2 min read
I remember when I used to drag myself out out bed with the coming of every morning. I found it especially hard at that time to understand why it was so hard to wake up yet at the beginning of every night sleep let itself waited. Why was it so hard to fall asleep when I needed to. I was tired most of the day after all. Minutes turned into hours, and when the sleep finally arrived it ended so abruptly. It was morning. This could not be I said to myself.
Other than than limiting the effect of blue light before bed and watching what you put into your mouth there is probably nothing more important than a consistent sleep schedule when it comes to optimizing your sleep routine and having a rejuvenating sleep as a return.
How to establish a sleep routine
When establishing a sleep routine one should always start with a well thought hour. Remember to take into consideration that during some days your schedule may differ and you should also take into account that a good sleep routine should start at the same hour everyday. Second in important to bedtime is a consistent wake-up time. This should also not vary and be the same every day of the week. Including weekends.
Some people find it helpful to create a small routine right before sleeping. This routine should not include your devices like TV, phone or tablet and all stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, Tabaco and alcohol. Instead, engage in relaxing activities such as reading, meditation, warm baths. Enjoy a hot beverage like a sleep enhancing tea for added benefits.
The last step in establishing the perfect sleep routine is to be patient and persistent. Rome was not build in a night. All habits take time, especially healthy ones. So, be persistent and follow the steps above. If needed, you should always seek professional help.
Tips for better sleep
Besides implementing a consistent sleep schedule there are lots of ways on how to improve sleep quality. Here is a list of ways to improve your circadian rhythm and sleep we plan to write on in the future:
Pre-Sleep Routine
Comfortable Bed
Dark Room
Quiet Space
Cool Temperature
Daily Activity
Limit Nicotine and Caffeine
Moderate Alcohol
Hydrate Wisely
Relaxation Techniques
Herbal Teas
Write It Down
Essential Oils
Reduce Screen Time
Sleep Tracker
Night Mode
Seek Professional Help
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Consistent sleep schedule
There you have it, friend, all the important steps for a sleep routine that will compound over time into a seamless way to fall asleep and wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Remember to consult a doctor if your sleep problems persist or become more serious. Sleep in very important to living organisms so take care of it.
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