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Foods that can help increase your natural skin resistance to Sun damage

Aug 1

3 min read

Foods that protect skin from sun damage

The following article is purely informative and should not replace your doctor's or health expert's advice. All of us are different and respond different to different foods and supplements. We write about what works for us in our pursuance to help as many people as possible.

There are no wonder foods that one hundred percent protect you from sun damage, so limit exposure, especially during the peak hours and always wear adequate sun protection and follow your doctor recommendations.

When it comes to sun damage protection, there are certain foods that can help limit the damage, like:


Green Tea


Citrus Fruits

Red and Orange Peppers

Nuts and Seeds

Leafy Greens

Carrots and Sweet Potatoes

Fatty Fish


Eating those foods can add a number of health benefits to an already healthy life. Amongst those health benefits these foods can also improve your skin's natural defenses against sun damage. Of course, eating tomato won't make you immune to sunburn and you should also limit your sun exposure to healthy levels or wear adequate protection. Further on, let's explore how the sun affects your skin.

What does the sun do to your skin

The Sun, our beloved local star, emits it's light and warmth in a wide spectrum of electromagnetically frequency's. Whilst most dangerous rays are captured or deflected by Earth's natural magnetic field, there are still some rays that pass through and do us more harm than good.

Besides sunscreen and donning a wide-brimmed hat, things you should always consider when going outside during those hot summer days, there are also some foods that can increase the natural sun resistance of your screen.

The sun emits UV rays that penetrate the skin and cause damage to the molecular level. This can lead to sunburn, a risen risk of skin cancer and premature aging. By fighting the free radicals caused by these high energy rays, certain foods can help protect our cell ang repair some of the damage that have already been done.

By incorporating the above-mentioned foods into your diet, you can bolster the natural defenses of your skin.

Food to eat get rid of sunburn

If you already have been exposed to intense direct sunlight for a longer period of time you might experience something called sunburn. This happens when our skin is deteriorated by the intense and concentrated UV light and infrared exposure. If you experience sunburn you should go to the doctor and seek immediate help. The healthcare provide will give you a prescription for specialized ointments that can sped the healing process and limit further skin damage. Besides this, there are also certain foods that can help you with your recovery. Amongst those foods you can find:



Aloe Vera

Green Tea



Leafy Greens

Fatty Fish

Nuts and Seeds

Citrus Fruits



Incorporating these foods into your diet can provide additional health benefits to your skin and speed up your recovery from sunburn. However, remember, prevention is the mother of health. Always use quality sunscreen and protective clothing when going outside during those hot summer days.

Also, to better speed the healing of your skin after prolonged sun exposure you can stay hydrated, moisturize, use cold compresses and avoid further sun exposure.

Sunburn can be painful and health damaging, always seek to protect your skin from concentrated UV rays and limit unnecessary prolonged sun exposure.


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